Tugas #PBOA-tugas 9 (The foxes and Rabbits Simulator)

The foxes and Rabbits Simulator

Untuk membuat simulator foxes and rabbits diperlukan sejumlah class sebagai berikut :
  1. Counter
  2. Field
  3. FieldStat
  4. Fox
  5. Location
  6. Rabbits
  7. Randomizer
  8. Simulator
  9. SimulatorView

Berikut source code yang digunakan :
  1. Counter

  2.  import java.awt.Color;  
      * Write a description of class Counter here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * Provide a counter for a participant in the simulation.  
      * This includes an identifying string and a count of how  
      * many participants of this type currently exist within   
      * the simulation.  
     public class Counter  
       // A name for this type of simulation participant  
       private String name;  
       // How many of this type exist in the simulation.  
       private int count;  
        * Provide a name for one of the simulation types.  
        * @param name A name, e.g. "Fox".  
       public Counter(String name)  
         this.name = name;  
         count = 0;  
        * @return The short description of this type.  
       public String getName()  
         return name;  
        * @return The current count for this type.  
       public int getCount()  
         return count;  
        * Increment the current count by one.  
       public void increment()  
        * Reset the current count to zero.  
       public void reset()  
         count = 0;  

  3. Field

  4.  import java.util.Collections;  
     import java.util.Iterator;  
     import java.util.LinkedList;  
     import java.util.List;  
     import java.util.Random;  
      * Write a description of class Field here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * Represent a rectangular grid of field positions.  
      * Each position is able to store a single animal.  
     public class Field  
       // A random number generator for providing random locations.  
       private static final Random rand = Randomizer.getRandom();  
       // The depth and width of the field.  
       private int depth, width;  
       // Storage for the animals.  
       private Object[][] field;  
        * Represent a field of the given dimensions.  
        * @param depth The depth of the field.  
        * @param width The width of the field.  
       public Field(int depth, int width)  
         this.depth = depth;  
         this.width = width;  
         field = new Object[depth][width];  
        * Empty the field.  
       public void clear()  
         for(int row = 0; row < depth; row++) {  
           for(int col = 0; col < width; col++) {  
             field[row][col] = null;  
        * Clear the given location.  
        * @param location The location to clear.  
       public void clear(Location location)  
         field[location.getRow()][location.getCol()] = null;  
        * Place an animal at the given location.  
        * If there is already an animal at the location it will  
        * be lost.  
        * @param animal The animal to be placed.  
        * @param row Row coordinate of the location.  
        * @param col Column coordinate of the location.  
       public void place(Object animal, int row, int col)  
         place(animal, new Location(row, col));  
        * Place an animal at the given location.  
        * If there is already an animal at the location it will  
        * be lost.  
        * @param animal The animal to be placed.  
        * @param location Where to place the animal.  
       public void place(Object animal, Location location)  
         field[location.getRow()][location.getCol()] = animal;  
        * Return the animal at the given location, if any.  
        * @param location Where in the field.  
        * @return The animal at the given location, or null if there is none.  
       public Object getObjectAt(Location location)  
         return getObjectAt(location.getRow(), location.getCol());  
        * Return the animal at the given location, if any.  
        * @param row The desired row.  
        * @param col The desired column.  
        * @return The animal at the given location, or null if there is none.  
       public Object getObjectAt(int row, int col)  
         return field[row][col];  
        * Generate a random location that is adjacent to the  
        * given location, or is the same location.  
        * The returned location will be within the valid bounds  
        * of the field.  
        * @param location The location from which to generate an adjacency.  
        * @return A valid location within the grid area.  
       public Location randomAdjacentLocation(Location location)  
         List<Location> adjacent = adjacentLocations(location);  
         return adjacent.get(0);  
        * Get a shuffled list of the free adjacent locations.  
        * @param location Get locations adjacent to this.  
        * @return A list of free adjacent locations.  
       public List<Location> getFreeAdjacentLocations(Location location)  
         List<Location> free = new LinkedList<Location>();  
         List<Location> adjacent = adjacentLocations(location);  
         for(Location next : adjacent) {  
           if(getObjectAt(next) == null) {  
         return free;  
        * Try to find a free location that is adjacent to the  
        * given location. If there is none, return null.  
        * The returned location will be within the valid bounds  
        * of the field.  
        * @param location The location from which to generate an adjacency.  
        * @return A valid location within the grid area.  
       public Location freeAdjacentLocation(Location location)  
         // The available free ones.  
         List<Location> free = getFreeAdjacentLocations(location);  
         if(free.size() > 0) {  
           return free.get(0);  
         else {  
           return null;  
        * Return a shuffled list of locations adjacent to the given one.  
        * The list will not include the location itself.  
        * All locations will lie within the grid.  
        * @param location The location from which to generate adjacencies.  
        * @return A list of locations adjacent to that given.  
       public List<Location> adjacentLocations(Location location)  
         assert location != null : "Null location passed to adjacentLocations";  
         // The list of locations to be returned.  
         List<Location> locations = new LinkedList<Location>();  
         if(location != null) {  
           int row = location.getRow();  
           int col = location.getCol();  
           for(int roffset = -1; roffset <= 1; roffset++) {  
             int nextRow = row + roffset;  
             if(nextRow >= 0 && nextRow < depth) {  
               for(int coffset = -1; coffset <= 1; coffset++) {  
                 int nextCol = col + coffset;  
                 // Exclude invalid locations and the original location.  
                 if(nextCol >= 0 && nextCol < width && (roffset != 0 || coffset != 0)) {  
                   locations.add(new Location(nextRow, nextCol));  
           // Shuffle the list. Several other methods rely on the list  
           // being in a random order.  
           Collections.shuffle(locations, rand);  
         return locations;  
        * Return the depth of the field.  
        * @return The depth of the field.  
       public int getDepth()  
         return depth;  
        * Return the width of the field.  
        * @return The width of the field.  
       public int getWidth()  
         return width;  

  5. FieldStat

  6.  import java.awt.Color;  
     import java.util.HashMap;  
      * Write a description of class FieldStat here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * This class collects and provides some statistical data on the state   
      * of a field. It is flexible: it will create and maintain a counter   
      * for any class of object that is found within the field.  
     public class FieldStats  
       // Counters for each type of entity (fox, rabbit, etc.) in the simulation.  
       private HashMap<Class, Counter> counters;  
       // Whether the counters are currently up to date.  
       private boolean countsValid;  
        * Construct a FieldStats object.  
       public FieldStats()  
         // Set up a collection for counters for each type of animal that  
         // we might find  
         counters = new HashMap<Class, Counter>();  
         countsValid = true;  
        * Get details of what is in the field.  
        * @return A string describing what is in the field.  
       public String getPopulationDetails(Field field)  
         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();  
         if(!countsValid) {  
         for(Class key : counters.keySet()) {  
           Counter info = counters.get(key);  
           buffer.append(": ");  
           buffer.append(' ');  
         return buffer.toString();  
        * Invalidate the current set of statistics; reset all   
        * counts to zero.  
       public void reset()  
         countsValid = false;  
         for(Class key : counters.keySet()) {  
           Counter count = counters.get(key);  
        * Increment the count for one class of animal.  
        * @param animalClass The class of animal to increment.  
       public void incrementCount(Class animalClass)  
         Counter count = counters.get(animalClass);  
         if(count == null) {  
           // We do not have a counter for this species yet.  
           // Create one.  
           count = new Counter(animalClass.getName());  
           counters.put(animalClass, count);  
        * Indicate that an animal count has been completed.  
       public void countFinished()  
         countsValid = true;  
        * Determine whether the simulation is still viable.  
        * I.e., should it continue to run.  
        * @return true If there is more than one species alive.  
       public boolean isViable(Field field)  
         // How many counts are non-zero.  
         int nonZero = 0;  
         if(!countsValid) {  
         for(Class key : counters.keySet()) {  
           Counter info = counters.get(key);  
           if(info.getCount() > 0) {  
         return nonZero > 1;  
        * Generate counts of the number of foxes and rabbits.  
        * These are not kept up to date as foxes and rabbits  
        * are placed in the field, but only when a request  
        * is made for the information.  
        * @param field The field to generate the stats for.  
       private void generateCounts(Field field)  
         for(int row = 0; row < field.getDepth(); row++) {  
           for(int col = 0; col < field.getWidth(); col++) {  
             Object animal = field.getObjectAt(row, col);  
             if(animal != null) {  
         countsValid = true;  

  7. Fox

  8.  import java.util.List;  
     import java.util.Iterator;  
     import java.util.Random;  
      * Write a description of class Fox here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * A simple model of a fox.  
      * Foxes age, move, eat rabbits, and die.  
     public class Fox  
       // Characteristics shared by all foxes (static fields).  
       // The age at which a fox can start to breed.  
       private static final int BREEDING_AGE = 10;  
       // The age to which a fox can live.  
       private static final int MAX_AGE = 150;  
       // The likelihood of a fox breeding.  
       private static final double BREEDING_PROBABILITY = 0.35;  
       // The maximum number of births.  
       private static final int MAX_LITTER_SIZE = 5;  
       // The food value of a single rabbit. In effect, this is the  
       // number of steps a fox can go before it has to eat again.  
       private static final int RABBIT_FOOD_VALUE = 7;  
       // A shared random number generator to control breeding.  
       private static final Random rand = Randomizer.getRandom();  
       // Individual characteristics (instance fields).  
       // The fox's age.  
       private int age;  
       // Whether the fox is alive or not.  
       private boolean alive;  
       // The fox's position.  
       private Location location;  
       // The field occupied.  
       private Field field;  
       // The fox's food level, which is increased by eating rabbits.  
       private int foodLevel;  
        * Create a fox. A fox can be created as a new born (age zero  
        * and not hungry) or with a random age and food level.  
        * @param randomAge If true, the fox will have random age and hunger level.  
        * @param field The field currently occupied.  
        * @param location The location within the field.  
       public Fox(boolean randomAge, Field field, Location location)  
         age = 0;  
         alive = true;  
         this.field = field;  
         if(randomAge) {  
           age = rand.nextInt(MAX_AGE);  
           foodLevel = rand.nextInt(RABBIT_FOOD_VALUE);  
         else {  
           // leave age at 0  
           foodLevel = RABBIT_FOOD_VALUE;  
        * This is what the fox does most of the time: it hunts for  
        * rabbits. In the process, it might breed, die of hunger,  
        * or die of old age.  
        * @param field The field currently occupied.  
        * @param newFoxes A list to add newly born foxes to.  
       public void hunt(List<Fox> newFoxes)  
         if(alive) {  
           // Move towards a source of food if found.  
           Location newLocation = findFood(location);  
           if(newLocation == null) {   
             // No food found - try to move to a free location.  
             newLocation = field.freeAdjacentLocation(location);  
           // See if it was possible to move.  
           if(newLocation != null) {  
           else {  
             // Overcrowding.  
        * Check whether the fox is alive or not.  
        * @return True if the fox is still alive.  
       public boolean isAlive()  
         return alive;  
        * Return the fox's location.  
        * @return The fox's location.  
       public Location getLocation()  
         return location;  
        * Place the fox at the new location in the given field.  
        * @param newLocation The fox's new location.  
       private void setLocation(Location newLocation)  
         if(location != null) {  
         location = newLocation;  
         field.place(this, newLocation);  
        * Increase the age. This could result in the fox's death.  
       private void incrementAge()  
         if(age > MAX_AGE) {  
        * Make this fox more hungry. This could result in the fox's death.  
       private void incrementHunger()  
         if(foodLevel <= 0) {  
        * Tell the fox to look for rabbits adjacent to its current location.  
        * Only the first live rabbit is eaten.  
        * @param location Where in the field it is located.  
        * @return Where food was found, or null if it wasn't.  
       private Location findFood(Location location)  
         List<Location> adjacent = field.adjacentLocations(location);  
         Iterator<Location> it = adjacent.iterator();  
         while(it.hasNext()) {  
           Location where = it.next();  
           Object animal = field.getObjectAt(where);  
           if(animal instanceof Rabbit) {  
             Rabbit rabbit = (Rabbit) animal;  
             if(rabbit.isAlive()) {   
               foodLevel = RABBIT_FOOD_VALUE;  
               // Remove the dead rabbit from the field.  
               return where;  
         return null;  
        * Check whether or not this fox is to give birth at this step.  
        * New births will be made into free adjacent locations.  
        * @param newFoxes A list to add newly born foxes to.  
       private void giveBirth(List<Fox> newFoxes)  
         // New foxes are born into adjacent locations.  
         // Get a list of adjacent free locations.  
         List<Location> free = field.getFreeAdjacentLocations(location);  
         int births = breed();  
         for(int b = 0; b < births && free.size() > 0; b++) {  
           Location loc = free.remove(0);  
           Fox young = new Fox(false, field, loc);  
        * Generate a number representing the number of births,  
        * if it can breed.  
        * @return The number of births (may be zero).  
       private int breed()  
         int births = 0;  
         if(canBreed() && rand.nextDouble() <= BREEDING_PROBABILITY) {  
           births = rand.nextInt(MAX_LITTER_SIZE) + 1;  
         return births;  
        * A fox can breed if it has reached the breeding age.  
       private boolean canBreed()  
         return age >= BREEDING_AGE;  
        * Indicate that the fox is no longer alive.  
        * It is removed from the field.  
       private void setDead()  
         alive = false;  
         if(location != null) {  
           location = null;  
           field = null;  

  9. Location

  10.  /**  
      * Write a description of class Location here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * Represent a location in a rectangular grid.  
     public class Location  
       // Row and column positions.  
       private int row;  
       private int col;  
        * Represent a row and column.  
        * @param row The row.  
        * @param col The column.  
       public Location(int row, int col)  
         this.row = row;  
         this.col = col;  
        * Implement content equality.  
       public boolean equals(Object obj)  
         if(obj instanceof Location) {  
           Location other = (Location) obj;  
           return row == other.getRow() && col == other.getCol();  
         else {  
           return false;  
        * Return a string of the form row,column  
        * @return A string representation of the location.  
       public String toString()  
         return row + "," + col;  
        * Use the top 16 bits for the row value and the bottom for  
        * the column. Except for very big grids, this should give a  
        * unique hash code for each (row, col) pair.  
        * @return A hashcode for the location.  
       public int hashCode()  
         return (row << 16) + col;  
        * @return The row.  
       public int getRow()  
         return row;  
        * @return The column.  
       public int getCol()  
         return col;  

  11. Rabbits

  12.  import java.util.List;  
     import java.util.Random;  
      * Write a description of class Rabbit here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * A simple model of a rabbit.  
      * Rabbits age, move, breed, and die.  
     public class Rabbit  
       // Characteristics shared by all rabbits (static fields).  
       // The age at which a rabbit can start to breed.  
       private static final int BREEDING_AGE = 5;  
       // The age to which a rabbit can live.  
       private static final int MAX_AGE = 40;  
       // The likelihood of a rabbit breeding.  
       private static final double BREEDING_PROBABILITY = 0.15;  
       // The maximum number of births.  
       private static final int MAX_LITTER_SIZE = 4;  
       // A shared random number generator to control breeding.  
       private static final Random rand = Randomizer.getRandom();  
       // Individual characteristics (instance fields).  
       // The rabbit's age.  
       private int age;  
       // Whether the rabbit is alive or not.  
       private boolean alive;  
       // The rabbit's position.  
       private Location location;  
       // The field occupied.  
       private Field field;  
        * Create a new rabbit. A rabbit may be created with age  
        * zero (a new born) or with a random age.  
        * @param randomAge If true, the rabbit will have a random age.  
        * @param field The field currently occupied.  
        * @param location The location within the field.  
       public Rabbit(boolean randomAge, Field field, Location location)  
         age = 0;  
         alive = true;  
         this.field = field;  
         if(randomAge) {  
           age = rand.nextInt(MAX_AGE);  
        * This is what the rabbit does most of the time - it runs   
        * around. Sometimes it will breed or die of old age.  
        * @param newRabbits A list to add newly born rabbits to.  
       public void run(List<Rabbit> newRabbits)  
         if(alive) {  
           // Try to move into a free location.  
           Location newLocation = field.freeAdjacentLocation(location);  
           if(newLocation != null) {  
           else {  
             // Overcrowding.  
        * Check whether the rabbit is alive or not.  
        * @return true if the rabbit is still alive.  
       public boolean isAlive()  
         return alive;  
        * Indicate that the rabbit is no longer alive.  
        * It is removed from the field.  
       public void setDead()  
         alive = false;  
         if(location != null) {  
           location = null;  
           field = null;  
        * Return the rabbit's location.  
        * @return The rabbit's location.  
       public Location getLocation()  
         return location;  
        * Place the rabbit at the new location in the given field.  
        * @param newLocation The rabbit's new location.  
       private void setLocation(Location newLocation)  
         if(location != null) {  
         location = newLocation;  
         field.place(this, newLocation);  
        * Increase the age.  
        * This could result in the rabbit's death.  
       private void incrementAge()  
         if(age > MAX_AGE) {  
        * Check whether or not this rabbit is to give birth at this step.  
        * New births will be made into free adjacent locations.  
        * @param newRabbits A list to add newly born rabbits to.  
       private void giveBirth(List<Rabbit> newRabbits)  
         // New rabbits are born into adjacent locations.  
         // Get a list of adjacent free locations.  
         List<Location> free = field.getFreeAdjacentLocations(location);  
         int births = breed();  
         for(int b = 0; b < births && free.size() > 0; b++) {  
           Location loc = free.remove(0);  
           Rabbit young = new Rabbit(false, field, loc);  
        * Generate a number representing the number of births,  
        * if it can breed.  
        * @return The number of births (may be zero).  
       private int breed()  
         int births = 0;  
         if(canBreed() && rand.nextDouble() <= BREEDING_PROBABILITY) {  
           births = rand.nextInt(MAX_LITTER_SIZE) + 1;  
         return births;  
        * A rabbit can breed if it has reached the breeding age.  
        * @return true if the rabbit can breed, false otherwise.  
       private boolean canBreed()  
         return age >= BREEDING_AGE;  

  13. Randomizer

  14.  import java.util.Random;  
      * Write a description of class Randomizer here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * Provide control over the randomization of the simulation.  
     public class Randomizer  
       // The default seed for control of randomization.  
       private static final int SEED = 1111;  
       // A shared Random object, if required.  
       private static final Random rand = new Random(SEED);  
       // Determine whether a shared random generator is to be provided.  
       private static final boolean useShared = true;  
        * Constructor for objects of class Randomizer  
       public Randomizer()  
        * Provide a random generator.  
        * @return A random object.  
       public static Random getRandom()  
         if(useShared) {  
           return rand;  
         else {  
           return new Random();  
        * Reset the randomization.  
        * This will have no effect if randomization is not through  
        * a shared Random generator.  
       public static void reset()  
         if(useShared) {  

  15. Simulator

  16.  import java.util.Random;  
     import java.util.List;  
     import java.util.ArrayList;  
     import java.util.Iterator;  
     import java.awt.Color;  
      * Write a description of class Simulator here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * A simple predator-prey simulator, based on a rectangular field  
      * containing rabbits and foxes.  
      * @author David J. Barnes and Michael Kolling  
      * @version 2008.03.30  
     public class Simulator  
       // Constants representing configuration information for the simulation.  
       // The default width for the grid.  
       private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 50;  
       // The default depth of the grid.  
       private static final int DEFAULT_DEPTH = 50;  
       // The probability that a fox will be created in any given grid position.  
       private static final double FOX_CREATION_PROBABILITY = 0.02;  
       // The probability that a rabbit will be created in any given grid position.  
       private static final double RABBIT_CREATION_PROBABILITY = 0.08;    
       // Lists of animals in the field. Separate lists are kept for ease of iteration.  
       private List<Rabbit> rabbits;  
       private List<Fox> foxes;  
       // The current state of the field.  
       private Field field;  
       // The current step of the simulation.  
       private int step;  
       // A graphical view of the simulation.  
       private SimulatorView view;  
        * Construct a simulation field with default size.  
       public Simulator()  
        * Create a simulation field with the given size.  
        * @param depth Depth of the field. Must be greater than zero.  
        * @param width Width of the field. Must be greater than zero.  
       public Simulator(int depth, int width)  
         if(width <= 0 || depth <= 0) {  
           System.out.println("The dimensions must be greater than zero.");  
           System.out.println("Using default values.");  
           depth = DEFAULT_DEPTH;  
           width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;  
         rabbits = new ArrayList<Rabbit>();  
         foxes = new ArrayList<Fox>();  
         field = new Field(depth, width);  
         // Create a view of the state of each location in the field.  
         view = new SimulatorView(depth, width);  
         view.setColor(Rabbit.class, Color.orange);  
         view.setColor(Fox.class, Color.blue);  
         // Setup a valid starting point.  
        * Run the simulation from its current state for a reasonably long period,  
        * e.g. 500 steps.  
       public void runLongSimulation()  
        * Run the simulation from its current state for the given number of steps.  
        * Stop before the given number of steps if it ceases to be viable.  
        * @param numSteps The number of steps to run for.  
       public void simulate(int numSteps)  
         for(int step = 1; step <= numSteps && view.isViable(field); step++) {  
        * Run the simulation from its current state for a single step.  
        * Iterate over the whole field updating the state of each  
        * fox and rabbit.  
       public void simulateOneStep()  
         // Provide space for newborn rabbits.  
         List<Rabbit> newRabbits = new ArrayList<Rabbit>();      
         // Let all rabbits act.  
         for(Iterator<Rabbit> it = rabbits.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {  
           Rabbit rabbit = it.next();  
           if(! rabbit.isAlive()) {  
         // Provide space for newborn foxes.  
         List<Fox> newFoxes = new ArrayList<Fox>();      
         // Let all foxes act.  
         for(Iterator<Fox> it = foxes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {  
           Fox fox = it.next();  
           if(! fox.isAlive()) {  
         // Add the newly born foxes and rabbits to the main lists.  
         view.showStatus(step, field);  
        * Reset the simulation to a starting position.  
       public void reset()  
         step = 0;  
         // Show the starting state in the view.  
         view.showStatus(step, field);  
        * Randomly populate the field with foxes and rabbits.  
       private void populate()  
         Random rand = Randomizer.getRandom();  
         for(int row = 0; row < field.getDepth(); row++) {  
           for(int col = 0; col < field.getWidth(); col++) {  
             if(rand.nextDouble() <= FOX_CREATION_PROBABILITY) {  
               Location location = new Location(row, col);  
               Fox fox = new Fox(true, field, location);  
             else if(rand.nextDouble() <= RABBIT_CREATION_PROBABILITY) {  
               Location location = new Location(row, col);  
               Rabbit rabbit = new Rabbit(true, field, location);  
             // else leave the location empty.  

  17. SimulatorView

  18.  import java.awt.*;  
     import java.awt.event.*;  
     import javax.swing.*;  
     import java.util.LinkedHashMap;  
     import java.util.Map;  
      * Write a description of class SimulatorView here.  
      * @author (Nitama Nurlingga Yotifa)  
      * @version (20181119)  
      * A graphical view of the simulation grid.  
      * The view displays a colored rectangle for each location   
      * representing its contents. It uses a default background color.  
      * Colors for each type of species can be defined using the  
      * setColor method.  
      * @author David J. Barnes and Michael Kolling  
      * @version 2008.03.30  
     public class SimulatorView extends JFrame  
       // Colors used for empty locations.  
       private static final Color EMPTY_COLOR = Color.white;  
       // Color used for objects that have no defined color.  
       private static final Color UNKNOWN_COLOR = Color.gray;  
       private final String STEP_PREFIX = "Step: ";  
       private final String POPULATION_PREFIX = "Population: ";  
       private JLabel stepLabel, population;  
       private FieldView fieldView;  
       // A map for storing colors for participants in the simulation  
       private Map<Class, Color> colors;  
       // A statistics object computing and storing simulation information  
       private FieldStats stats;  
        * Create a view of the given width and height.  
        * @param height The simulation's height.  
        * @param width The simulation's width.  
       public SimulatorView(int height, int width)  
         stats = new FieldStats();  
         colors = new LinkedHashMap<Class, Color>();  
         setTitle("Fox and Rabbit Simulation");  
         stepLabel = new JLabel(STEP_PREFIX, JLabel.CENTER);  
         population = new JLabel(POPULATION_PREFIX, JLabel.CENTER);  
         setLocation(100, 50);  
         fieldView = new FieldView(height, width);  
         Container contents = getContentPane();  
         contents.add(stepLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH);  
         contents.add(fieldView, BorderLayout.CENTER);  
         contents.add(population, BorderLayout.SOUTH);  
        * Define a color to be used for a given class of animal.  
        * @param animalClass The animal's Class object.  
        * @param color The color to be used for the given class.  
       public void setColor(Class animalClass, Color color)  
         colors.put(animalClass, color);  
        * @return The color to be used for a given class of animal.  
       private Color getColor(Class animalClass)  
         Color col = colors.get(animalClass);  
         if(col == null) {  
           // no color defined for this class  
           return UNKNOWN_COLOR;  
         else {  
           return col;  
        * Show the current status of the field.  
        * @param step Which iteration step it is.  
        * @param field The field whose status is to be displayed.  
       public void showStatus(int step, Field field)  
         if(!isVisible()) {  
         stepLabel.setText(STEP_PREFIX + step);  
         for(int row = 0; row < field.getDepth(); row++) {  
           for(int col = 0; col < field.getWidth(); col++) {  
             Object animal = field.getObjectAt(row, col);  
             if(animal != null) {  
               fieldView.drawMark(col, row, getColor(animal.getClass()));  
             else {  
               fieldView.drawMark(col, row, EMPTY_COLOR);  
         population.setText(POPULATION_PREFIX + stats.getPopulationDetails(field));  
        * Determine whether the simulation should continue to run.  
        * @return true If there is more than one species alive.  
       public boolean isViable(Field field)  
         return stats.isViable(field);  
        * Provide a graphical view of a rectangular field. This is   
        * a nested class (a class defined inside a class) which  
        * defines a custom component for the user interface. This  
        * component displays the field.  
        * This is rather advanced GUI stuff - you can ignore this   
        * for your project if you like.  
       private class FieldView extends JPanel  
         private final int GRID_VIEW_SCALING_FACTOR = 6;  
         private int gridWidth, gridHeight;  
         private int xScale, yScale;  
         Dimension size;  
         private Graphics g;  
         private Image fieldImage;  
          * Create a new FieldView component.  
         public FieldView(int height, int width)  
           gridHeight = height;  
           gridWidth = width;  
           size = new Dimension(0, 0);  
          * Tell the GUI manager how big we would like to be.  
         public Dimension getPreferredSize()  
           return new Dimension(gridWidth * GRID_VIEW_SCALING_FACTOR,  
                      gridHeight * GRID_VIEW_SCALING_FACTOR);  
          * Prepare for a new round of painting. Since the component  
          * may be resized, compute the scaling factor again.  
         public void preparePaint()  
           if(! size.equals(getSize())) { // if the size has changed...  
             size = getSize();  
             fieldImage = fieldView.createImage(size.width, size.height);  
             g = fieldImage.getGraphics();  
             xScale = size.width / gridWidth;  
             if(xScale < 1) {  
               xScale = GRID_VIEW_SCALING_FACTOR;  
             yScale = size.height / gridHeight;  
             if(yScale < 1) {  
               yScale = GRID_VIEW_SCALING_FACTOR;  
          * Paint on grid location on this field in a given color.  
         public void drawMark(int x, int y, Color color)  
           g.fillRect(x * xScale, y * yScale, xScale-1, yScale-1);  
          * The field view component needs to be redisplayed. Copy the  
          * internal image to screen.  
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g)  
           if(fieldImage != null) {  
             Dimension currentSize = getSize();  
             if(size.equals(currentSize)) {  
               g.drawImage(fieldImage, 0, 0, null);  
             else {  
               // Rescale the previous image.  
               g.drawImage(fieldImage, 0, 0, currentSize.width, currentSize.height, null);  

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